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Aug 30, 2024

2 min read




Rebecca Hope decided it would be great to christen her new toy box by removing all of the toys and pouring a bottle of water into it. Luckily, I saw her and told her not to do it, and so she stopped in her tracks and decided to drink the water instead. I was working from home so I looked down at my computer and caught her in my peripheral vision, looking at me out the side of her eyes to see if I was still looking at her. When she thought I wasn’t looking, she lifted the bottle to try to pour it over her toy box. I stopped her a second time and she looked up with a big sheepish smile, and started drinking water again.

After a few minutes, I went into the kitchen to grab some coffee. As I am making my coffee, Becca comes running into the kitchen, giant kool-aid smile on her face. She is DRENCHED in water.

I said, “Rebecca Hope! Why are you covered in water? Did you pour the water into the box after I asked you not to?” In response, Rebecca Hope turns around and leads me back to her bedroom. There is water everywhere, in the toy box, on the floor, spreading out into the living room.

“Rebecca! Why did you that? I asked you not to pour the water!”

And my precious “non-verbal” four-year-old girl looks at me, looks at the water, and looks back at me and says “Uh-oooooh”. And I respond, “yes, you made an uh-oh.” And she continues looking around and saying “uh-ooh”.

My little girl is finding her voice and beginning to cross the line from non-verbal to minimally-verbal. I give all the glory and honor to God and will continue to do so when she goes from minimally-verbal to verbal. I know that the day is coming.

Aug 30, 2024

2 min read





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